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Low Impact with Shirley Mae and Strength and Balance with Crystal M/W/F 10AM


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Shirleys class will be total body workout for 50+ with chair based exercises, standing aerobic conditioning and light weights. Workout to upbeat music from several decades to improve flexibility, core, posture, muscle tone and bone density. Bring hand weights optional.

Monday/Wednesday 10:00AM – 11:00AM

Christine’s class will include balance and strength and is designed to train you at improving postural control. This class can benefit anyone who is interested in getting stronger to do daily tasks and fall prevention. There are basic fundamental skills and progression of balance exercises we will work towards. We will be doing seated and standing sequences to aim stability and strength exercises that target the core muscles, glutes, ankles, mobility, visual acuity and proprioception. Props like a ball, some light dumbbells and resistance band will be used. Great music will be played so we will have lots of fun during our workout.

Friday: 10:00AM – 11:00AM